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New York, New York
United States of America

Sustainability, Green Ideas, Environment, Networking, Architecture, Engineering, Building Systems, Farah Ahmad, Farah Naz Ahmad

Farah Naz Ahmad is an Architect on a Mission for Sustainability


My personal journal: architecture, travel, current events, New York City, & more.

Farah Naz Ahmad is an Architect on a Mission for Sustainability

Farah Ahmad

Thanks to Jack Baldwin of Reynard Architectural Designs for engaging me in this conversation ranging from subject to translating codes for the public to gaining homeowner buy-in on the value of an architect/builder. I appreciated his curiosity on my industry perspective from New York City and I enjoyed hearing about his perspectives as co-founder and managing partner at Reynard in Georgia. He has also extended his reach on social media, connecting with like-minded individuals who also enjoy creating content on the building world. Check out Reynard’s website content and YouTube series (linked below) for diversity on discussion in the building and residential arena!

You can view our conversation below!