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New York, New York
United States of America

Sustainability, Green Ideas, Environment, Networking, Architecture, Engineering, Building Systems, Farah Ahmad, Farah Naz Ahmad

Sustainable & Functional Design- Building for Today and Tomorrow


My personal journal: architecture, travel, current events, New York City, & more.

Sustainable & Functional Design- Building for Today and Tomorrow

Farah Ahmad

The beauty of moderating a panel discussion is being able to steer the conversation to shed light. 🎤

As an Architect and green building writer, I pay special attention to broadcasting issues or stances in the profession that need attention. ✔️

In this particular discussion, we went beyond the traditional lectures on design to discuss how architects can become the true agents of sustainability, their roles on engaging clients, and where the industry could benefit from improvements.

So, check out the recording of the panel I moderated this week! I promise there is some valuable information throughout this discussion.

#buildingindustry #designtalks

Scroll through the gallery above for glimpses from the event!